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Friday, October 14, 2011

Drew Transition Center News

On October 11, 2011, Drew parents completed their LSCO election and joined the PTA. Parents also received information on the community chapter of the Special Education PTA.

On October 13th, parents and students received their first school newsletter with much needed info for parents. Kudos to the parents and staff for creating the newsletter! Also, parents who are members of the Wayne RESA PAC attended the meeting "Special Education Funding 101" that explained how funding is allocated to special education in Wayne County. Ms Harris (Drew parent) requested that the presenter come to Drew and explain how the projected decrease in Act 18 funds will affect the school in 2013 and 2014. Since the Detroit district is now divided into a three tiered system with an emergency manager, parents are concerned about special education funds and federally mandated supports and resources being reduced or cancelled due to "inclusion" in general ed classrooms. Parents are advised by this blogger to learn about the differences between "inclusion" and "mainstreaming" and how shifting students into general ed classes without proper supports may create a lack of or reduction in Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE in federal IDEA and 504 mandates).

From September 30th to October 5th, Drew sponsored a voter registration drive. The Honorable Janice Winfrey, City Clerk made it possible for students and parents to practice voting on a touch screen voting machine.

The kitchen at Drew is still not up and running. Equipment has been moved in but fans and ducts need to installed. The projected time for completion of the kitchen is by the end of October (in a couple of weeks).